
Polser is a WhatsApp manager that helps retailers build stronger relationships with customers

Increase sales, and deliver exceptional customer service every single time. Retail is a highly competitive industry. Building customer loyalty is crucial, but traditional communication methods often fall short. Customers want quick, relevant and personal responses every time, and retailers struggle to keep up with this demand.

Polser transforms WhatsApp into a powerful sales and customer service tool.

Polser enables retailers to deliver outstanding customer experiences ❤️🫶🏻

CRM Integration:

Connect Polser to your existing CRM for a unified view of customer data and who bought what when and what else they may be interested in.

Smart Product Responses

Instantly suggest product details, recommendations, or availability based on customer inquiries or even past conversations.

Targeted Product Promotions

Send WhatsApp hyper personalised offers and updates to specific customer segments.

Voice Message Transcription

Customers buy emotively and voice messages can quickly convey their issues or requests and allow for more natural and expressive communication. This will help to clarify complex issues yet your support team will be able to read and summarise those messages without the need to listen to them every time.

Voice Message Replies

Respond to customers with natural-sounding voice messages to ensure the customer knows they are speaking to real people.

Automated Message Templates

Streamline communication with pre-written templates for common interactions.

Order Confirmation and Tracking

Keep customers informed about their orders with automated updates.


Increased Sales

Drive conversions with personalised product recommendations and timely promotions.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Build loyalty by providing quick, helpful responses and exceptional service.

Efficient Operations

Automate routine tasks to free up staff for higher-value interactions.

Enhanced Brand Image

Showcase your commitment to customer satisfaction and innovation.

Proof Points

WhatsApp's high open rates ensure your messages are seen.

Retailers using Polser have reported increased sales and improved customer satisfaction.

Ready to elevate your retail business?

Let Polser be your secret weapon for customer engagement and growth.